wie ein Computer programmiert.
Es gibt keinen, der sich dagegen wehrt,
nur ein paar Jugendliche sind frustriert.
Wenn am Himmel die Sonne untergeht
beginnt für die Droogs der Tag
In kleinen Banden sammeln sie sich,
gehen gemeinsam AUF DIE JAGD.
If I had more readers, I would most likely upset some reactionary fellow by even refering to a song that's probably glorifying the violent, slightly crazy character of Alexander DeLarge, whose existence we owe Anthony Burgess credit for. Crazy or not, rapist or not, violent, megalomaniacal, Beethoven-loving or not, I love A Clockwork Orange.
Good news today. The Kennedys have announced their support for Barack Obama, the enormously charismatic senator from Illinois whom I strongly endorse, without him ever knowing it. Technically it is none of my business, since I am a European living in Europe and probably never even will live in the US of A. But since they are so determined to control the world they indirectly control me as well, and thus it is as much of my concern as of anyone else.
Anyhow, the Kennedys have, as stated, decided to endorse Obama's campaign. By the Kennedys I mean Caroline and Edward "Ted" Kennedy, the daughter and the youngest brother of the one and forever only John F. Kennedy. Ted Kennedy is one of the heaviest voices in American politics, and maybe his endorsement will be just enough to tip the scale to Obama's favour rather than Clinton's. I've always liked Bill Clinton, but Hilary is not even close to Obama in my book.
Change, that's what he is talking about. And even I, sitting here on the other side of the puddle and knowing jack about American health or education politics -- more than knowing that there is something rotten in it -- believe him.
He gets my vote, if I would have had one.
2 kommentar(er).:
I'll be happy with just about any of the candidates, as long as his name is not readily open for bizarre jokes about insect sexuality, such as "Fuckabee," "Humpabee" and so on.
I'll be happy with just about any of the candidates, as long as his name is not an open invitation to weird jokes about insects and bestiality. You know, jokes along the lines of "Fuckabee," "Humpabee" and so on.
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