shoreline - broder daniel

Ever since I was eight or nine,
I've been standing on the shoreline

For all my life I've been waiting
for something lasting

You lose your hunger
and you lose your way
You get confused
and then you fade away

Oh, this town
kills you when you're young
Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh, this town
kills you when you're young

From the Wikipedia-article on Broder Daniel: "A couple of new members joined [...] hype of the now notorious band featuring the charismatic singer and songwriter Henrik who, with his singing out of tune and excessive use of make-up, had in a short time gained a following of maladjusted youth, looking for a leader."

I love the part "maladjusted youth". If only Joel'd been reading this he would have flipped. Pity that he probably isn't, and pity that I haven't seen him since I accidentally bumped into him this summer.

Also, speaking about reading and not reading.

The lust for writing came and went, and the questions of life won't be answered in a blog. But by pure curiousity, I now want to find out how many actually reads this blog.

Thus, please, any person reading here, please leave a comment so that I notice whether any of my words are going out or not. It might be some motivation to continue blogging at all.

Allright? Ten extra seconds of your time, not too much to ask for.

As always,

8 kommentar(er).:

Anonymous said...

I read it :) hum, i forget to read it sometimes happens that i get eh lost in the world of makeup, it simply so much fun! ^^ (when im not busy doing some sorta hwk, that is >.<)But usually I read your blog, yes.

Anonymous said...

yo go cas it c/s mby? anywai u r nub lol stop haxxor

popapraniec said...

Read? Pfft, I just skip through the text and comment acting like I know what you were writing about.


Anonymous said...

By adding that "demand" to your post, you have received several comments, such as the one I just wrote...
I hope you'll get the motivation to write in the same deep and meaningful way that you used to, even if you didn't consider it to be so. I, at least, enjoy reading your blog ^^

Anonymous said...

More and more people coming out of the shadows...
I missed your blog when you stopped writing before, hope you'll keep it up this time. Haha I remember that time when you got a huge debate going in your comments.. that was fun.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm reading your blog too =)

Anonymous said...

wtf u sux stop writink ploz

Anonymous said...

I'm here -- but you know that. It's just that the "Post Comment" function hasn't been working properly, at least not for me.


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