Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
'Cause our love will light the way

Seems as if spring has decided to finally try to battle out the stubborn winter. Or well, today it seemed so for about half the day at least. It's funny, this weather thing, every second day it's bloody winter and the rest of the days it's sun and not warm, but warming at least.
Heck, the snow is melting away in Ystad at least. Not that it matters, since I try not to spend time here, but still.
Talking about Ystad. The upcoming weekend will be spent alone at home, without any company more than the telly and a bunch of movies (and a whole lot of junk-food that's been shipped in from ICA in order to grant my survival) and well... I'm not too thrilled. Nothing better to do though, since people are busy with moving and other for me totally useless things.
To conclude I would like to add that I today celebrate one month with Ems. One month... 31 days. Gee, it's gone by really fast. But that doesn't matter, since no matter how fast or slow it would have felt, it's still been the probably best month of my life.
Emma Karolina Engelin, I love you more than I can say.
(P.s: The usual cheerful "cheers!" on the ending is today replaced by an imitation of a heart, made with computer keyboard. The author apologizes.)
5 kommentar(er).:
I didn't get until a few weeks ago that <3 was supposed to look like a heart, I thought it was a party hat...
Nothing wrong with a heart instead of 'cheers!' I really like that heart <3 :)
Well I agree that it really has gone by really fast :)It's been incredibly wonderful though. I love you (f) <3
(btw dont feel bad Alex, when I first saw that heart some years ago I thought it meant soemthing completely different.. *no comments*)
hehe, I know exactly what you mean Ems (we are very naughty, indeed)
i thought it was a THING
i thought it was a THING
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