we're gonna win - bryan adams

We're gonna win
Forget about a draw - were gonna score
And then we're gonna get a few more
Maybe another one just to be sure
Well make ya' look just like an amateur
Until the final whistle it's a war
And then were gonna pick ya off the floor
We wanna hear the crowd really roar
Ya - were comin, in were, gonna win, win!

There are a few songs that can be divided into the true cathegory of "Anthems". A magnum opus of a genre or a topic, a song that defines something only by its pure sound.

This cathegory is of course highly personal, the anthems are decided upon our own experiences. I, for example, associate Watching the Stars with the book The Shining, I think of a specific street on Jersey when hearing Working on the Highway or, to a smaller part, Wind of Change, and I associate the song Heaven with the love of my life.

But heck, some songs are self-written into the cathegory. Summer of '69 is the typical summer-song, so to say, and (Everything I do) I do it for you is simply one of those songs that nearly everyone at least have heard about, if not listened to.

Yes, I mention an awful lot of Bryan Adams, this lil' Canadian. Together with ice-hockey and maple syrup one of the best things that have ever popped out of the big womb of Canada. Guess it's an unusually cold womb, but if it's enough to create persons like Bryan Adams and Wayne Gretzky and... whoever more famous person there is from Canada that isn't a model nor a hockey-player, I guess that it's just fine like that.

And why do I mention him so much? Jeez, the man is the symbol of 80's-music! Just look at his haircut on the cover of Reckless, the man is an icon! And yes, I do happen to like his music a whole lot.

I spent yesterday at Em's place, after first breaking my bike and missing a bus (that came to the bus stop right when I left: by then, it was 12 minutes late), averagely the same time, missing a train in Malmö and waiting 40 minutes for the bus in Lund. As soon as I saw her though, I forgot about the fact that the sky was in a pale shade of grey and just enjoyed being alive. There's not much people that has that effect on me. She has though, and that's a reason to love her. Or maybe it is because I love her? All of a sudden my innocent little blog post has created a complicated query for me. That's probably bad.

Tomorrow I'm going to Denmark, more specifically Lalandia. Wonderful. Well, I've heard they've got somewhat good cafés there. That'll be nice. It's better than sitting home playing a malfunctioning Xbox or a computer with a video-card beyound saviour.

As you might've noticed if you're a regular reader of this blog, I guess you are around five persons, I haven't blogged in a while. This is due to either boredom, exhaustion, being away from the computer (in e.g. Södra Sandby) or spending time with trying to fully understand the phenomenon of torrents. I guess I still haven't realized their full potential.
The world is yours...

Well, I am off now in order to sleep. Because if I don't, it will be harder to get up. And then I will be cranky in the morning. And that might have other people being annoyed. After a while, I will be thrown of when driving outside of Copenhagen. And due to the cold weather, I'll get a cold. Then I won't be able to speak clearly, and have to whisper. And we all know that the one that whispers lies. And then I'll go to jail. And in jail I might get into bad business and doing drugs, and then I'll die.

So yes, I guess I should be off to sleep now.

Cheers, see you on Friday!

cruel town - broder daniel

Cruel town, it’s a cruel town
Cold people, cruel town
Cruel town, it’s a cruel town
If you fall, you stay down

Shitty day today. Boring day.
A Saturday that feels like a Sunday is bound to be bad. But however, except for cleaning and taking one heck of a walk I haven't done anything. Even the Xbox is messed up, now I remember why I haven't had the damned machine connected for half a year.
It doesn't get more encouraging that tomorrow seems to turn out the same. Blasted. Well, one good thing is at least that I might see Ems on either Monday or Tuesday, which is nonetheless awesome since I'm going to Denmark (Lalandia... yay) between Wednesday and Friday. Meeting her for a day would be balm for a bored soul, not seeing her for a week would be a smaller scale-hell.
However, I found something to do now; Sort my music. Yes, all of it. And then not just in the media library, but in the folders too. Example:


Shall instead be:
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends - Overs
All following the model of "artist-album-song(-track)". The last one is however not acknowledged by me since it's completely irrelevant.
1500 songs, at least. Might get fun.
Well, I am now off towards the telly in order to watch Star Wars - Episode III on PPV, to cheer myself up a bit.

the green fields of france - eric bogle

The sun's shining down on these green fields of France,
The warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dance.
The trenches have vanished long under the plow,
No gas, no barbed wire; no guns firing now!
But here in this graveyard, that's still no mans land,
The countless white crosses in mute witness stand,
To a man's blind indifference to his fellow man,
And a whole generation were butchered and damned

Aye, I'm getting both philosophish and hippieish now. Thereby more or less accidentally finding the eminent song of The Green Fields of France, originally written by Eric Bogle and masterly covered (slightly surprisingly) by Irishpunk-band Dropkick Murphy's. It's a song telling the tale about someone sitting by the grave of you Pvt. Willie McBride, that died at age 19 in the year of 1916, with the narrator of the song thinking about the young man's destiny and what might've happened to him. It's a beautiful song, and I advice you to get it. The Dropkick Murphy's version is the best one, so I advice you to get that.

The reason of my sudden change of mood, to philosophical from simply lazy and happy, is a movie I watched (sadly not the whole at the same time, but half yesterday and the rest today). I take for granted that you've all heard about it: Schindler's List, starring Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley in the leading roles, and Ralph Fiennes as the most twisted German officer I've seen on screen. The movie itself, directed by the probably greatest director of our time, Stephen Spielberg, is nothing but a masterpiece.
The movie is based upon the true story of the German businessman and convinced nazi Oskar Schindler, that arrives to Kraków soon after the Germans have invaded Poland. With a good sense for making contacts and a brilliant sense for building up a business, even if it mainly means dealing over the responsibility to skilled sub-workers, he starts a factory using only Jewish workers: by that, he can pay them less. Their salaries goes to the SS, but the point to him is that they are cheaper than Polish workers.
As the story goes on Schindler is starting to doubt though, and the change of him as a person is the astonishing part of the movie. 198 minutes long, but that's 198 minutes of art, and nothing less. I won't give any more of the story, since I consider it everyones duty to watch it themselves as soon as possible. No discussion about it.
When I had finished watching the movie I was discretly sobbing and felt as if my eyes had been opened again, even though I've seen quite a few movies about the Holocaust and also have read a lot about it. That's the feeling you get when seeing something simply astonishing. However, after some thinking and listening to sweet ballads about peace and love and the Emerald Isle I feel resurrected, and I feel more for writing something hopeful, rather than grieving for a happening I can never affect, but only do my best to prevent from happening again.

Did you really believe them when they told you the cause,
Did you really believe that this war would end wars?
Well the suffring', the sorrow, the glory, the shame,
The killing and dying it was all done in vain.

After World War II there hasn't been any really big war (not counting civil wars and revolts in the USSR) or armed conflict on European soil, more than the wars in Yugoslavia. And in Yugoslavia it was mostly concerning the Balkan countries, until it started to get too much so that the United States of America took their responsibility and cleaned up. And with all due respect, I dare to claim that the major part of the Swedish population only were affected by the war through immigration to their hometowns.

I believe Europe is getting slightly spoiled and left out from the horrible things of the world, it almost feels a little unfair. Unfair in the way that people in general, I stumble across them everywhere, get more and more apathic when it comes to war and violence. "Conquer those, crush those, yada yada and smash those, they might get dangerous in the future".

Where's the morale in that?

Now, this was ages before my own birth, but I still wonder if Europe has escaped the clouds of the two World Wars, when our continent was turned in to a big, muddy battlefield, stinking of mustard gas.

Oh Willie McBride, it all happened again,
And again and again and again and again!

The battlefield has since been moved. The target for the worlds armed forces has been moved from Berlin to Baghdad, and the warning triangle from Moscow to Pyongyang and Tehran. All the time further away from Europe. All of a sudden the europeans, the ones that ages ago created a proud tradition of killing eachother has been the peaceful and civilized population of the world, and this only in a matter of a century or so.

And of course it's wonderful. I don't want to have to live to see soldiers' boots crossing the borders into my country, nor any other country in our vicinity. I want to see peace through my days and I want my children, and grandchildren to grow up in peaceful times. Of course it matters a lot for me.

But does it matter less to the rest of the world? Does it make any difference if you're Irani and have a nutjob dictator building nukes, or if you're Iraqi and probably will have to see your land fall apart in an armed conflict between militia and foreign armed forces, or if you're Korean and don't get any food, since the holy leader of your country is giving the bread to the army?

Does it make any difference at all?

Doesn't this illustrate the absurd thing in the western world taking responsibility for the rest through invading their countries, deposing their leaders without any plans on how to revive a working state? And as well the absurdity in young men and women joining the army to travel over half of the world to reach a battlefield, a hellhole where they are living with the risk of getting killed during both day and night, as well as morning and evening?

To continue with the subject I'd like to mention one of the most genial movie scenes I've seen: In the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore that I also assume that all of you have heard about Moore is in one scene standing outside the Capitolium. He is dressed as a draftsman, and every U.S. Senator that walks past him is stopped, and encouraged to let his son join the army to fight for his land. To noone's surprise, none of them were to keen on it and Moore was eventually shoved away from the place.

Doesn't this say quite a lot? Everyone (well, let's say almost everyone) wants to get rid of all the injustice in the world and have everyone live freely and happily for the rest of their lives.

But noone (well, let's say almost noone) wants to send their son or daughter to fight for it. Not in a place from where bodybags are coming by the week, and increasing in numbers.

My point in this is that yes, of course we want freedom, both for ourselves and for others. The farther away it is though, the less it concerns us. And countries liberating/invading (I'll let you choose the term you see best fit) other countries can do so, as long as it doesn't interfere with our daily life and routines.
We can accept a battlefield in the other end of the world since we've forgotten, or are ignoring, the horror of how it once was here, in Europe, on our own home continent.
I will not change the world with this blog post, of course not. It will be read by at most 20 people, commented by a few, and then I'll write a new blog post tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and eventually this will just be another post among many.
But I'd like to remind you, reader, that this planet is ours, and ours only in the future. If many enough of us remembers it, we can one day get an end to pointless killing and illegitimate wars.

Cheers, and peace.

heaven - bryan adams

Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
'Cause our love will light the way

Thursdays are nice. Lazy and only three lessons, and at least the first one is good.

Seems as if spring has decided to finally try to battle out the stubborn winter. Or well, today it seemed so for about half the day at least. It's funny, this weather thing, every second day it's bloody winter and the rest of the days it's sun and not warm, but warming at least.

Heck, the snow is melting away in Ystad at least. Not that it matters, since I try not to spend time here, but still.

Talking about Ystad. The upcoming weekend will be spent alone at home, without any company more than the telly and a bunch of movies (and a whole lot of junk-food that's been shipped in from ICA in order to grant my survival) and well... I'm not too thrilled. Nothing better to do though, since people are busy with moving and other for me totally useless things.

To conclude I would like to add that I today celebrate one month with Ems. One month... 31 days. Gee, it's gone by really fast. But that doesn't matter, since no matter how fast or slow it would have felt, it's still been the probably best month of my life.

Emma Karolina Engelin, I love you more than I can say.


(P.s: The usual cheerful "cheers!" on the ending is today replaced by an imitation of a heart, made with computer keyboard. The author apologizes.)

watching the stars - brolle jr

We’re only watching the stars
Heaven’s gotta wait
another year, hold on to your visions tonight
We’re only watching a dream
Oh, paradise will wait
another year, hold on to your visions tonight

I would want to work my reason of blogging-absence on me being busy lately. I can't however, since I haven't been busy. You know, having the time, but not really the will or the inspiration. If you have will and inspiration you always find time for it.

I have spent quite much time away from home lately, more than usual. It's primo school and segundo hanging out with friends on the weekends, so I spend averagely four-five awake hours a day at home a week, not counting Sundays when I'm usually home and just trying to get time to pass.

To leave the subject of my Sunday apathy, since it's nothing of interest nor worth discussing, once again want to mention that wonderful feeling of all of a sudden finding an old favourite song. When surfing around randomly, this was before all of a sudden clouds came from nowhere only to drop some white shite over the town (yes, it's been snowing again) I looked out my window and looked at the stars a little. All of a sudden it struck me, as lightning: Watching the stars! What was the reason that I hadn't been listening to that totally wonderful song for ages? I didn't find any answer, and thereby I downloaded it.

Now, a few of you might appoint me a terrible clod for downloading something that I now can reveal that I actually have on CD, but alas, I have my reasons.

Watching the stars happens to be the best song that Brolle's made. Thereby I of course want to share it with people I know, and the problem here is that most of them don't use Windows Media Player. They usually have the blasphemic program of iTunes (don't worry, I'm just kidding with you) and thereby it isn't possible for them to play .wma-files. And here comes the problem, if you rip a record into the computer via WMP you get them in .wma.

Thereby I downloaded Watching the stars, and the rest of the record, Paradise will wait, was ripped in good old spirit. Tracks like Sound of a drum, Hush Little Baby and Growing up too fast are tracks that actually makes me happy, I've got some memories from when listening to them. It isn't any masterpiece, it isn't Queen, but it's a good artist that gets me at least slightly nostalgic.

And now for something completely different, as John Cleese said before his desk exploded:
It's a jubilee! This is my 100th blog-post.

Yes, I believe I can count as a slight nerd because of that. Not that it would matter: The blog isn't really an online-diary for me, nor is it some specialized blog-crap that at least 50 people already are covering: No, it's my place for writing down my thoughts and such, mostly in order to keep the writing going. I'm happy with that though, and I'm grateful for the comments that I've gathered lately, it's nice to hear people's opinions.

I actually had a smaller thought with the choosing of opening song today see, on my way home form the bus stop I was biking as usual, listening to Sailing to Philadelphia by Mark Knopfler and James Taylor, and I happened to look upwards.

And the sky, the sky... Stained with stars, deep navy blue with bright-shining stars everywhere. I actually forgot that I was on my way home to a well-earned dinner after a relatively long day, and instead just stopped at the fork of the road. Still looking up, still unaware of the rest of the world.

That's the dangerous thing with the stars, when looking at them it's hard to let your eyes concentrate on a more relevant and conrete goal. I simply don't want to, when watching the stars I can dream away as far and much as I want. The longing for the unknown and unexplored is something that never will stop fascinating humanity, I'm convinced of that. It's our curiosity that has kept us alive for so long.

I think I stood there for ten minutes. My mp3 ran out of battery without me noticing it, and I got quite surprised when i noticed. I've got to have been really gone. I got up on the bike again (I had gone of it and stood by a tree instead, that also wihtout really remembering doing so) and biked home to get a good nice dinner of pancakes and bacon.

I don't think that anyone walked by. If they did they saw a dreaming young boy, watching the night-sky with longing eyes and a for every minute brighter mind.


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