hound dog - elvis presley

Nothin' but a hound dog,
crying all the time

I know I updated it minutes ago, I just had a thing that I so much need to publish...

Alex säger:
what are you doing?
Snuggles. Ska du schemalägga hela livet eller ha din rastlösa frihet kvar? säger:
Looking at photos of pretty girls ^^ In lack of better doings.
Snuggles. Ska du schemalägga hela livet eller ha din rastlösa frihet kvar? säger:
And you?
Alex säger:
hahaha, "photos of pretty girls", hmm, WHAT pretty girls Snugglie?
Snuggles. Ska du schemalägga hela livet eller ha din rastlösa frihet kvar? säger:
Haha, you want names or what?
Alex säger:
hahahahaha, no, it just sounded wrong
Snuggles. Ska du schemalägga hela livet eller ha din rastlösa frihet kvar? säger:
It always does when mentioning internet-[insert adjective] girls-pics in the same context ^^
Alex säger:
Alex säger:
Alex säger:
Snuggles. Ska du schemalägga hela livet eller ha din rastlösa frihet kvar? säger:
Using internet-[insert adjective] girls-pics in the same context and add cucumber sounds indeed wrong.
Alex säger:

I'm tired, and I guess she's also that.


2 kommentar(er).:

Anonymous said...

hehe aren't we all? :)

interesting convo though :P

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I wrote even more freaked out things later =P I was very tired indeed...


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