And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you, but I don't know how
Ah yes, now I'm finished eating and can tell you some of the fridays happenings.
We had drama for our first lesson, and guess what? We're doing progress! Even though Velko wasn't there, but it's working itself out now.
We've obiously changed activity for the friday P.E. SO handball's on mondays (i.e. tomorrow...) and on fridays: badminton! Truly bastardious, I'm really lousy at it. It went *well* anyhow, we didn't die totally of it.
We obviously have a pretty short brake for lunch fridays, I didn't really have time to eat lunch (it didn't look all too good anyhow) so I had two cinnamon rolls, a chocolate and a little candy, and some of Ems' Coke. And then we went to our Spanish.
Well, Spanish lessons are fun, History lessons are very fun, but Biology for last lesson on friday... Come on? It blows.
After school me, Ems, David, Alex, Mengxian and Emma went first to Emma's place to get a few things, and then on to the station. It's five minutes by train to David's place, awfully close. So the evening was spent in glorious Stångby to celebrate David's 16th birthday. Congratulations David!
Most of the evening was spent with Twister, on a big board with 6x6 squares. It was hilarious, check Alex' to watch the pics from this wicked event.
We ate, also. Hamburgers. And chatted with David's kid brother, Jacob. Charming kid actually, and just as old as me sister (eight, that is). We also tried to watch a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean, that of course everone's already seen, but it's good enough to see again. It took us quite a while though, so in the mean time we squeezed together (seven persons (when Jacob was there) in a couch made for three persons. This situation of course involves a whole lot of tickling.
We got the movie working anyhow, and after like 45 minutes I was going to get into Lund to get me bus. And well, apart from the observation that there was very many drunk people on the train into Lund, nothing worth mentioning happened during that trip.
And so the clocked tick-tocked, and Saturday came. Which was also the day when I for the first time was going to have people from the class in me crappy town. Well, the day started of with me getting a haircut, walking around downtown and getting amazed of the very small amount of people out on the street, and spitting on NSF-stickers. Bastards, they've got those stickers everywhere. Scum.
Well, by like 12:30 the others (the usual ones) came, and we went out for a walk in the novembery city of Ystad. Up to the Main Square via Snuggles Café and the other places along Stora Östergatan, by the Church of Santa Maria, down by the theatre and then along the harbor up to ÖP-grillen again. Then we got into Lokalen (belonging to Ungdomskraft) for soda and a few laughters.
After that we began the long walk to my place, and from there we went up to ÖB to buy candy, soda, and whatever. We found After Eight and truffels and a bunch of other stuff. I just so got to go there again soon.
Well, we at first sat in my room chatting, and then by 17:30 the pizzas arrived, all the way from Pizzeria Capri! Wonderfullness, I like that place. So then instead we ate for a while, being social and civilized. It's always nice with dinner guests.
The movie for the night was And now for something completely different: The best of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Partly because Ems' never even heard about them before I introduced the phenomenon, but mainly because they're totally friggin' hilarious. So there we were, me, Ems, Emma, Mengxian, David and Alex, and then my brother in a red hat.
After enjoying one hour and 28 minutes of The Dead Parrot, The Lumberjack Song, The Hungarian Phrasebook and a whole lot of other things, the clock was closing on to the time when the others had to go home. So we watched a little of Americas Funniest Home Videos on Channel 5, and then started walking t'wards the bus stop. I wouldn't say we had a good margin, we were only one minute early and according to the time table three minutes late. So we said good bye, and when they went away with the bus I went out for a little walk into the night of my hometown, with very mixed feeling about it.
Sunday sucked, as usual. D-day, with d as in "dead". I.e. as usual.
Thank you for a wonderful weekend guys! Nothing's ever boring nowadays. //Your very own Snugglie
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5 years ago
4 kommentar(er).:
hehe yes that was a fun weekend :D And monty python was hilarious, I'm definately seeing more of that in the future.
well cya tomorrow ^^
We really gotta see more Monty Python! But you left out the part where I didn't laugh during the movie! I'm proud of that you know! ;) Haha, oh well, I can do it and now you know that so hopefully I won't have to go through that torture again ;)
Great weekend! Wiiiiie! Cya tomorrow!
Monty Ponthyon are just wonderful.
Gosh I want to go to Skåne now, it has been ages since I was there..
I agree with ems and alex.. this weekend was tons of fun, and monty python was wonderful. I actually watched the longer version of the Funniest joke in the world on youtube just because it rocked so much. Ystad is a nice little town! You just have to realize that fact :P
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