my hometown - bruce springsteen
"Son take a good
look around
This is your hometown"
Yesterday, monday, wasn't all too good. Why? Because it was monday. But well, it had a few nice moments, got to give it that. For example P.E. as first lesson. Where I, yes, I of all persons in this round water-dominated world played a real marathon... all together four handball games, and of those three in a row. I'm nearly a little proud of meself there, that is like nearly half an hour of constant running.
Well, it went averagely. I scored one goal at least.
Other lessons for the day was Spanish, English and Biology. I had Computer Science for last lesson, but I managed to skip that so that I could get home in a somewhat good time.
And since today was D-day (for the moment d equals "dead") I went from the bus to ÖB, imediately, to get julmust and truffels. I then spent half the night watching Pleasantville and eating/drinking unhealthy things. So when I woke up this morning I had an awful stomachache. But I guess I deserved that.
The morning was spent in total slacky-ness. Walking around without being properly dressed or combed or anything (and no, noone saw me) and well... not doing anything really. Pending from the computer to the kitchen to the bathroom mostly.
A little after lunchtime me mother got home, and by then I was dressed and showered and the whole shite, because now we were going downtown, to buy shoes.
A pair of blackish-greyish basket shoes with some fluffy thing on the inside. I like them already!
I then went to Lokalen, to speak with Richard about friday, Ungdomens Hus and stuff. I'm going to have a speech there for a few minutes, and like receive the key to the house or something... awesome. Or maybe not, but it'll be fun anyhow. And for saturday-sunday a sleepover is awaiting. Woho!
Well, most of the remainder of the day has been without any comment. I went into Ungdomens Hus on the way home to check out details about the disco on friday (no, I don't go to discos, but if they need personnel or anything, I'll be there), and happened to run into a journalist. Although I'm not sure if she was from Allehandan or Skånskan... Weird.
And then I've just been home. I've decided that I'm going to download every friggin' song ever recorded by Bruce Springsteen though.
School tomorrow again. Dying to get there.
summer of '69 - bryan adams
when you've got a job to do
A whole friggin' day of cleaning and homework is awaiting me. Bastardness? Oh yes.
At least my mp3 works again, after me and me dad sat here half the night trying to fix it.
la camisa negra - juanes
porque negra tengo el alma
Yo por ti perdí la calma
y casi pierdo hasta mi cama.
So, yesterday was nice. Friday's are nice! History, P.E. and drama in one day, purely wonderful. Drama's doing really good too, but of course I won't tell you anything, then it wouldn't be as fun, would it? Muha, muha!
Well, Drama first lesson, then P.E., lunch and Spanish, and History for our last lesson. The History lesson was fun, both involvning Stefan forgeting to check if I'm there (as usual), and a few minutes later doing propaganda for invading Spyken. There were also some more or less good jokes.
*When making notes about the French Constitution of 1791, and noting that king Louis XVI was the executive*
Arthur: Yes, the king was after all executed.
*About the war against the Austrians*
Araneya: Can't you bribe a Habsburger by giving him a hamburger?
Rest of PDP: Gaaaah!
Araneya: Hihi...
You get the drill, ey?
Well, we got out of school early today, since we didn't have any biology. So me, David, Ems, Emma and Alex went to ICA, to buy food and stuff for the evening. After a short while we met up with Araneya, so we took him with us.
We bought pizza, Julmust, candy, crisps (yesyesyes, crisps, not chips) and other stuff.
Well, the evening started as usual. Home to Emma, starting to eat candy, and then starting the movie. Today's movie was Life of Brian! Although, after laughing our arses off for a while, David had to leave since he was going to Jönköping, a small suburb to a big forest up north. So we followed him to the station, waved him goodbye, and then got back to Emma's.
So we finished watching the Monty Python majestic masterpiece, and ate pizza and stuff. And all of a sudden, Emma left, and when she came back she had this strange smile. And then Alex and Ems gave each other conspirating looks, and well...
Snugglie: Dammit...
Well, the good part is that three girls jumped on to and sat on me. That ain't too bad of course. But they had make-up. Lots of makeup. Purple, blue, red. Traumatizing, I can tell you.
The following time (three minutes, thirty minutes?) was the desperate fight of a man trying to save both his face and the little dignity he has got left. I'm not sure if I succeeded in any way at all... what do you think girls?
Well, after this little wrestling we all sorta was lying in a big pile, and in a sudden urge for revenge I started tickling them. As the most part of Homo Sapiens I only have two arms though, and thereby only two hands. This lead to the strange happening of me tickling the two girls closest, but having three manically laughing girls lying on me.
This situation is so absurd that one can't do anything but love it.
A little while later, when everyone was practically lying dead and trying to catch their breath, Arthur called. So we went down to the church to get him, and then after he arrived we... well, the first thing we started to do was Twister. This game-from-hell that no male is really supposed to be good at, but it's hell of fun! Not to mention that the gals kept on ending up in very strange poses. Very strange poses. We did one guys-only round too though, with me and Arthur. It didn't go too well though.
Well, after eating a little more candy and drinking the last Julmust, we were all pretty tired. So the rest of the evening circulated around Truth/Truth and weird photos, some of them involving massage tools. (Yes, you are meant to misinterprete that).
And no, I won't mention anything what was said. That is for VIP only, y'know. If you've got the luck to get invited to some of our highly original multi convos sometime, you might hear something though.
And as always, the photos for the friday is up on
So for now,
att fånga en fjäril - lars winnerbäck
en längtan som aldrig blir still
för alla oss som aldrig vet vad vi vill
Det finns en sång och en dröm
om en lycka så öm för oss som alltid ska till
Att fånga en fjäril
Good day today, very good day. At least partly, but a good day! And good day to you, fellow blog readers.
A day starting with Computer Science can never be optimal. God that's pointless... and boring, awfully boring. Truly, madly, deeply, suicidally boring. To start a day with a long bus ride and then sit in front of a friggin' computer for one and half an hour is deeply annoying.
I survived it though, as the clever ones of you probably notice since I'm sitting here writing and claiming to be alive. However, the day continued with History, which is of course a very fun subject. A good teacher too. Right now we're reading about the French Revolution, it's a huge contrast in interest between History and certain Hagar-lead lessons that I don't want to mention...
I have to though, since we had Chemistry after our lunch gap. With Hagar. Brr. Or as Arthur calls it, "Happy Hour with Hagar". Brr to the power of two. Or no, three.
Last lesson was Maths, with our pretty unconcentrated teacher Jonas. He's deeply funny though. Everyone that has heard his thoughts about rulers and golden sheep-women knows what I'm talking about.
Of course I've saved the best for last. On the gap today we first ate in the cantina, and then me, Alex, David, Mengan, Ems, Emma, Isabella and Alex Koc (I didn't forget anyone now I hope? If so you've got the right to hit me for my rudeness) went to Konditori Lundagård, my favourite café in this o'glorious town. On our way there Koc took a whole lot of bad pictures (at least id you ask him yourself) and we went in to the church for a little while too. It's a really mighty building, I need to go there sometime and gather my thoughts a little.
However we got to the café, got cookies and drinks and had a nice time. I don't really remember that much though, lack-of-sleep-related amnesia might be the reason.
So now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow we're going to Emma's place to watch Life of Brian, on Saturday it's cleaning day/gingerbread-baking-day, and on Sunday it's Skyltsöndag in Lund that everyone maybe will go to. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out.
So for now,
cannonball - damien rice
love taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die,
so it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
For once I've got time to blog, so then the question is, do I have the energy? Yes, the writer that dwells somewhere deep within scream for artistic attention, and the blog is the closest I can get to that for the moment.
The last few days have been pretty hectic. Much to do in school above all, and it's getting harder to get up in the mornings for every day that passes. Although you've got to make the most of the hand you're dealt, I don't have any realistic choice. I need to get in there, I want to get in there, and I do get in there. It's just to keep on going.
I'm tired now, dog tired. I was up late, too late for getting up at 05:30 in an easy way at least. I managed and survived that however and sat on the bus writing the book log all the way in to Lund. As usual, might be added.
Bleh, I don't really know what more to mention. I've been to café quite a few times the last days, and yesterday I noted that I don't have any money left. How awfully thrilling. Well, I go there anyway, it's a nice environment.
And yes, I do have other things on my mind to, for the moment it's the whole matter of UWC. To do it or not to do it? That's the awfully complicated question.
Well, going there or not, I'm not sure that I'll get in of course. Ems was kind enough to remind me of that :)
I'm almost dead now, and since I'm totally sure that you want to keep on reading the one and only blog-of-Snuggles, I'll go recharge me batteries.
fairytale gone bad - sunrise avenue
We can’t find a need to stay
I slowly realized there’s nothing on our side
I've got so little time over for blogging that I only have time to blog about how little time I have to blog today.
News in short:
- Alex' place on Friday
- Ungdomskraft is going downwards by the speed of an avalanche
- I've got a headache
- I'm not sure I've got time to sleep
- UWC's still freaking me out.
Yes, you understand the situation.
hurricane - something corporate
For goodness sake
I think I'm on the edge
Yeah I know, I'm emo as a pear, but still.
I just don't get anything for the moment... I mean, come on? If someone should be able to decide for and understand me, it ought to be... me?
Everything's like dizzy for the moment, I'm not really sure of anything. I just so much need someone to tell me what to do.
wonderwall - oasis
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you, but I don't know how
Ah yes, now I'm finished eating and can tell you some of the fridays happenings.
We had drama for our first lesson, and guess what? We're doing progress! Even though Velko wasn't there, but it's working itself out now.
We've obiously changed activity for the friday P.E. SO handball's on mondays (i.e. tomorrow...) and on fridays: badminton! Truly bastardious, I'm really lousy at it. It went *well* anyhow, we didn't die totally of it.
We obviously have a pretty short brake for lunch fridays, I didn't really have time to eat lunch (it didn't look all too good anyhow) so I had two cinnamon rolls, a chocolate and a little candy, and some of Ems' Coke. And then we went to our Spanish.
Well, Spanish lessons are fun, History lessons are very fun, but Biology for last lesson on friday... Come on? It blows.
After school me, Ems, David, Alex, Mengxian and Emma went first to Emma's place to get a few things, and then on to the station. It's five minutes by train to David's place, awfully close. So the evening was spent in glorious Stångby to celebrate David's 16th birthday. Congratulations David!
Most of the evening was spent with Twister, on a big board with 6x6 squares. It was hilarious, check Alex' to watch the pics from this wicked event.
We ate, also. Hamburgers. And chatted with David's kid brother, Jacob. Charming kid actually, and just as old as me sister (eight, that is). We also tried to watch a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean, that of course everone's already seen, but it's good enough to see again. It took us quite a while though, so in the mean time we squeezed together (seven persons (when Jacob was there) in a couch made for three persons. This situation of course involves a whole lot of tickling.
We got the movie working anyhow, and after like 45 minutes I was going to get into Lund to get me bus. And well, apart from the observation that there was very many drunk people on the train into Lund, nothing worth mentioning happened during that trip.
And so the clocked tick-tocked, and Saturday came. Which was also the day when I for the first time was going to have people from the class in me crappy town. Well, the day started of with me getting a haircut, walking around downtown and getting amazed of the very small amount of people out on the street, and spitting on NSF-stickers. Bastards, they've got those stickers everywhere. Scum.
Well, by like 12:30 the others (the usual ones) came, and we went out for a walk in the novembery city of Ystad. Up to the Main Square via Snuggles Café and the other places along Stora Östergatan, by the Church of Santa Maria, down by the theatre and then along the harbor up to ÖP-grillen again. Then we got into Lokalen (belonging to Ungdomskraft) for soda and a few laughters.
After that we began the long walk to my place, and from there we went up to ÖB to buy candy, soda, and whatever. We found After Eight and truffels and a bunch of other stuff. I just so got to go there again soon.
Well, we at first sat in my room chatting, and then by 17:30 the pizzas arrived, all the way from Pizzeria Capri! Wonderfullness, I like that place. So then instead we ate for a while, being social and civilized. It's always nice with dinner guests.
The movie for the night was And now for something completely different: The best of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Partly because Ems' never even heard about them before I introduced the phenomenon, but mainly because they're totally friggin' hilarious. So there we were, me, Ems, Emma, Mengxian, David and Alex, and then my brother in a red hat.
After enjoying one hour and 28 minutes of The Dead Parrot, The Lumberjack Song, The Hungarian Phrasebook and a whole lot of other things, the clock was closing on to the time when the others had to go home. So we watched a little of Americas Funniest Home Videos on Channel 5, and then started walking t'wards the bus stop. I wouldn't say we had a good margin, we were only one minute early and according to the time table three minutes late. So we said good bye, and when they went away with the bus I went out for a little walk into the night of my hometown, with very mixed feeling about it.
Sunday sucked, as usual. D-day, with d as in "dead". I.e. as usual.
Thank you for a wonderful weekend guys! Nothing's ever boring nowadays. //Your very own Snugglie
the last dj - tom petty
'cause you just can't do what he did
There's some things you just cant put in the minds of those kids
as we celebrate mediocrity all the boys upstairs wanna see
How much you'll pay for what you used to get for free
I've been lazy, I've been tired, I've been having somewhat of a life. And because of that, my blogging died a little bit, at least temporarily. I haven't blogged since wednesday, wednesday people! That's lousy. I guess. But anyhow, I've been sleeping instead, I've been awfully tired by logical reasons. If I don't get me eight hours of sleep every night, I'm screwed the day after. Sleeping on the bus ain't comfortable nor worth it, since it's only a little more than an hour.
I can barely believe that I'm saying that... only a little more than an hour. I've gotten used to that time on the bus, and I feel a little happy everytime I can see the outskirts of Lund on the other side of the bus window. My life has really taken quite a turn now. From biking a few minutes to a school that I just waited for the end of, to a busride of infinite time to a school that I almost long for. Or at least I long for the feeling of being in a big (well...) city together with people whose company I enjoy. That's nice.
Well, I'm not sure I recall anything from Thursday really. Or well, the day started with computer science and continued with a civics test on the contitutions of USA, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. So then me and a few others went to a place to buy a card for David, whose birthday was friday.
After school I went to Ystad, of course, and this time I got there (well) early. Meeting with the presidium of the Youth Council. That went well, and I've got a few days when I need to take some time from school to do certain stuff here. That sucks a little at least, but it's pretty much needed.
Gaah... just Thursday this far?
Well, I've had a wonderful Friday, and a good Saturday too that I'll tell you about in a while, but now I'll go down to eat instead.
three fishers - stan rogers
For there's little to earn and many to keep
I haven't blogged in a couple of days, I'm aware of that (obiously, since I'm right now pointing it out to you, my dear readers).
School's going on as expected, the tests are a'comin' pretty much now. We had chemistry test tuesday, and that went... well, above my expectations. For nearly not having studied any, and just been on a little bit of the lessons this term, it felt really good.
Especially this one thing... We were supposed to decide what colour the gas of chlorine, bromide and iodine had. And well, how could I know that? So I started guessing.
Linus "Snuggles" *thinking*: "Hm... chlorine. Well, the water in the swimming hall is slightly green... there. And then bromide. Well, in a traffic light, yellow is closest to green. Well then, a wualified guess... Oh Christ, iodine? How could I know. Let's just say purple."
The correct answers? Green, red and purple. Not all too abd guessed.
We also had drama tuesday... I need to do something about that half term I've missed of it.
Well, after school I went t'wards the station to meet Johanna and Fredrik (or what was his name?) from Helsingborg. That was because I sorta... well, they've got this matchmaking project, and since I'm single (very single) I thought that well, why not? So we met so that they could confirm my identity. We went to the Espresso House by the Central Station and had a nice chat for about an hour.
And now for today. We didn't have any English today, equals long morning. So I took the bus as late av 08:30, and just got ten minutes late for Maths. I survived that however, by chatting with Alex and reading Metro.
Next lesson was Spanish. That was cancelled, something that me, Gustav (f or v?) and Arthur noticed when we went down to check about ten minutes after we were supposed to start. So me and Arthur went for hot dogs instead of the whatever-it-was in the cantina. Most of the remainder of the break we hanged out a little with Ems and Natalie, waiting for the others to quit their lessons.
The remaining? Computer science (there are no words what I think of that subject...), Sweidsh and History. Which of course means that as soon as we got out of Computer Science the rest of the day was good. On the Swedish we were supposed to write our analyses of our short stories (me, David and Arthur having a thing by Poe) although I spent it with copying notes for the Civics test tomorrow. And the History lesson was mainly spent with Civics too.
Three other notes of the day are nice to know.
- The new number of Kattedemokraten (this time called "Kometen Krattade") was released today, with a whole lot of freemasonry-connections. We don't need Wihilo anymore!
- I went fikaing with Alex, Ems, Emma N and Mengan after school, at some place called "Coffee Point" where we... studied Civics. And stuff.
- UWC (United World Colleges) was on the school today, I stood there chatting with'em for a while, got their information paper and stuff. And does it sound interesting? Interesting's too small a word. Yes, I will apply for it, even though I'm not completely sure that I'd go even if I'm accepted. But I ain't got nothing to lose by applying. I'll tell you more 'bout that another time.
That's all for these two days. Quote of the days:
Emma N (with cute swedish accent): Jag är ett läskigt monster, kanjag få en kaka?
fadeaway - bodeans
Midnight Hideaway
Don't you - Fadeaway!
'til the Morning light
The main thing of the morning was that the bus was late. This was since the 399 towards Ystad had like... slipped of the road, and was thereby vlocking half the road. Wonderful, but it didn't really matter to me in any way.
I was in Lund by nine, a little irritating since we doesn't start 'til ten to ten. So, I picked up three free (three free, hihi) newspapers and perked meself reading in the basement. Well there I helped a fella out with one thing to, but that's not public I guess. ^^
So then for the first lesson we had handball on P.E. I met up with Velko by the gym, and then managed to survive one and a half hour of this... stupid (?) game. I didn't have the ball very much though, I mostly ran-ran-ran.
Not much more to tell for a while. Food in the cantina, bought some candy, managed to get to the fourth floor with Arthur and Emma for our Spanish without dying totally. And our Spanish-teacher kept on her campaign for making the students work tith others than people they know... That's fun though, I love me Spanish class!
Remaining lessons was English, Biology and Computer Science. English was interesting, we had this theme about school shootings. Biology was fun, just because. And Computer Science rocked, since it was cancelled because of malfunctioning computers. Or, we cancelled it during the lesson because of that...
Which led to me, Ems, Alex, David and Arthur going to Gräddhyllan for a short fika before going home.
I've also spoken to Jing today. No trip this time at least. Another time, another place...
Cheers, I'll see you tomorrow!
erie canal - bruce springsteen
Low bridge, for we're comin' through a town!
And you'll always know your neighbor,
You'll always know your pal,
If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal.
Yes, I know, I've been an increibly bad blogger this weekend. And why? Because I was so completely tired yesterday. Awfully. truly madly deeply. Maybe not physically, but at least mentally.
And no, I haven't caught a depressed mood. I just felt a little empty and slow.
So, I spent the day downloading (Buhu, please don't kill me FBI) music for me new Media Library. Since I totally killed me comp the other day, it's now more or less empty of everything. Starting it up yesterday I had nothing, no Media Player, nor Messenger, nor music. So, it was just to start the task of trying to resurrect the old Library. However I seem to be a pretty lousy necromancer, of the songs I've got now there's only few I had before. Bodeans, Eldkvarn, Vreeswijks verision of Bellmans Epistlar, The Seeger Sessions of Springsteen... A whole lot of good music.
Well, saturday was pretty boring. But that doesn't matter, since the friday completely rocked.
For the first: D-day! Wonderful. So I got into Lund to meet David, Emma Notkin, Ems, Alex and Mengxian by one o'clock. The day was labeled as "shopping day"... And guess what? H&M was the first place.
Obviously those Victor&Rolf-clothes sold out pretty fast. Not a trace of it. Not to me surprise nor frustration though. However, me and David managed to escape, so we went to some kind of book store instead.
The girls stayed at H&M pretty long, and after that Gina Tricot awaited. That was luckily over pretty fast though. So we went to the second hand-shop. How can one not love a second hand shop? Well, after trying thousands of things (and the two Emmas bought one weird hat each...) we went on for a café. Guess what? We didn't find any. They were all crowded. So the last resort was Pink&Purple, the place were all girls in Lund (probably) buys their graduation dresses... It wasn't as horrible as the other places at least.
So then we were off to get dinner. We ordered to big pizzas at Ciao Ciao by the Central Station, and got a whole lot of soda, candy, chips and stuff at ICA. I meself bought two "Energy Activators" by the name of Cult. Hehe.
The rest of the evening is impossible to describe in words. Nearly. Well, we were at Emma N:s place, a really nice apartment, and after eating a little pizza we started the main activity: watching EuroTrip!
Mad Maynard: You beep at me? We'll beep at you you' French bastard, all over your fuckin' nose!
Cooper: This isn't where I parked my car...
Scott: Fiona!
Bert: What a fucking loser, I'll videotape this.
I can go on forever.
I can also add that this movie is one of the reasons that I speak British... Well, someone came up with the bright idea that we should go backpacking in Europe after graduating. So now I'll write it down here in me blog, so that we won't forget to. Savvy?
Well, the rest of the evening was weird. I can't nor will describe it, see for yourselves: and look at the tenth of november.
That's all for now, a new week awaiting tomorrow. Now I'll watch Grease.
idaho - bodeans
things kinda move that way
Good Lord above, now he don't have to fuss
not for good hardy people like us
The reason for an all to abruptly finished blog post yesterday is that I ahd to flee to my chemistry test.
Yesterday was mostly about that one thing: The chemistry test. And as usual, everybody (except for Arthur) seemed totally freaked out. Velko might have been most freaked out. w came up with the theory:
Velko: Like, in chemistry, positive and negative connects, and that means that if you think positive before a test, you'll do negative, and the other way around.
Linus "Snuggles": Alright, then we'll check the most freaked out person, that's you Velko, and the least freaked out, that's Arthur, and we'll see who does best on the test.
Velko *nervously, almost jumping*: Heehee, yeah sure. It is like with relationships, guys are always negative and the girls are always positive.
Linus "Snuggles": And guys always ask girls positive questions, to which the girl's give negative answers.
Yes, I guess you get the drill. I got home early too, I was home by 1623 hours, the earliest since... God knows when.
Johanna contacted me via text message yesterady too: The matchmaking progress might be working. Which leaves me with a slight dilemma... Since if I happen to find someone probably needs money, and at the same time i MIGHT need money for a certain trip in december. I need to know how it'll be about that, and soon.
I also "killed" me computer yesterday, cleaning it totally and re-installing Windows. A hard work getting the shite working again, and my Internet connection is off for some reason, and by that I'm sitting by me dad's computer now.
In a while I'll take the bus into Lund to meet the others, but before that: Breakfast!
Now, you all have a good friday people.
en kungens man - mimikry
Och vi som ser hur allt går till får veta att vi drömt
So, for some reason I forgot blogging yesterday. And perhaps that is good, since my blogging is getting a little manic for the moment.
Yesterday was above all a long day. A very long day. Our first class, English, was cancelled so all of a sudden we had loads of free time. I used this time to finally get me my food card-photo taken. It was a really weird start of the day, because on the next lesson, maths, I felt extremely tired and hungry. And that was still our first lesson, and we had yet another before lunch.
Spanish is quite okay here, my teacher is a lot better than my last one. She's also come to the conclusion that me and emz might be "a little too good friends to sit next to each other" during those lessons. Yes, that can be misunderstood probably, but apparently we don't work anything during the lessons. Depending on who you ask, of course.
And then something totally typical; wednesday noon, I'm hungry as hell, and for the first day I've got a food card. So far so good, but what is the food for the day? Soup! Blasted soup!
Since me, Emz, Emma N, David and Andreas were on the computer science monday afternoon, we had a huge gap. So me, the two Emmas, and Dardan and Araneya went to Café Lundagård for a little fika. That was nice, even though Dardan and Araneya were supposed to be on a lesson. But come on, computer science? It's so basic it's tragic. No matter what, the café is nice and the time there was nice. The only remaining lessons for the day were Swedish and History, which equals fun. At least a little. As Stefan, our teacher said;
"You don't need any boose tonight, after a long day in school everything's funny!"
The definite quote of the day. After school me, David and Alex went to the café for studying, me thereby slowly executing my economy.
The bus ride home was as usual in most ways. I spent most of it reading and talking to Linnea on the phone, since I've figured that those 80 minutes on the bus can get quite lonely.
I need an answer, and soon! This waiting is freaking me out.
almost unreal - roxette
You've been in my dreams all my life
Aaargh, what a day. I'm tired, I'm confused, and I've got a weird feeling for the moment that I won't try to explain. I feel weird, that's all...
It's been a long day, and I've spent the most of it thinking and worrying, and the rest to try to stay awake. It's not been a day all too good, as you can hear... but of course, it hasn't been bad either. We've had quite a few laughs, as usual! But chemistry for last lesson just kills me.
And I still haven't got me food card! The first day I take myself time to go to the Arts Insitution to get my photo taken, guesss what? Before I've even found the place were the art teacher resides, I find out that he has gone home for the day. Splendid.
I visited Konditori Lundagård after school. I'm in love! I at least think I've got a new favorite café. I stayed there for a while, writing a letter. Nice environment, really.
I spent the most of the bus ride home talking to Jing. Nice, very nice. It's the closest I get to having company on the bus. And now I'm trying to call her, but she won't answer. It is a little bit annoying, and I don't want to seem all too manic, but what can a man do? I am like that, even though I don't like it.
Half of the problem is solved, I'm halfway there. Now let's just see if the second half works out too.
* Radio Silence *
No he hasn't, he's not much of a man of change in this case. The true fact is that his computer is being a real bitch towards him, and has now disabled his speakers from him, making him listen to the damned radio! I haven't been listening to the radio outside of the period 23:30-08:00 since... ever, probably. It blows pretty much. "Balls!", as Ben would have expressed it.
So you'll have to do without any "lyric of the day" today. Sorry folks, this shite won't happen again. I'll kill... hrm, fix my comp tomorrow afternoon, this evening I'm:
- Tired.
- Bound to finish my presentation about the Russian language.
- All messed up mentally. In a positive way!
- Feeling for answering a letter I got today. Not just any letter, but the cutest one I've ever recieved, for sure.
As you can see, I'm unable to try to do something I don't really know, i.e. computer stuff. I'll try tomorrow instead.
Well, this day has just been so totally... monday, in every damned way. First lesson o' the day was computer science, wonderful. A subject that I'll study for the upcoming five-ten weeks or something, and not until after that I'll start with physics. Balls! Well, the lesson started, and I realized pretty fast that I didn't remember my login. Way to go, Snugglie! Not just that, neither had I got my Fronter login.
So our teacher gave me an evil glare and told me to go get it at the IT-technician then. And so did Alex Koc, since he came to the conclusion that he had threwn away his fronter-login-information-paper.
And so we went. And of course he wasn't there. He was at a meeting or something. So we returned to KV and our computer science. I spent the remainder of the lesson sitting by David's computer, like watching him "work" and stuff.
The next lesson was, as you know, P.E. We were at Idrottshallen today, playing handball. Hypothesis: Handball is boring. Prediction: Playing handball without really being able to might hurt you. Conclusion: Handball still blows. Although we had pretty much fun. I've also noted that a team with me, Alex Koc and Arthur could be one of the worst ever placed on a court, Christ, did we laugh during the exercises?
I survived. Other activities for the school day - lunch at Lundafalafel, big kebab. Spanish. Gap, spent in the library watching the others finish their biology reports, and with me reading a book called "101 ways to flirt". Yes, I AM desperate. After that biology, me sitting with Velko in the back of the classroom more or less laughing our asses off.
Things said on a PDP biology lesson:
Teacher: If the observation is "We are all very tired", what might the reason be?
Alex Koc: We're IB students, noone expects us to sleep.
Araneya: We might be night active werewolves!
Teacher: What could we do as an experiment to test this?
Alex Koc *responding to his own*: Try putting someone from Handelsprogrammet on IB, see if they'll get any sleep!
Linus "Snuggles" *'bout the werewolves*: Well, if anyone in here can't be killed in any way except by a silver bullet, that's definitely a werewolf.
Velko: Hm, the observation is that "Dogs are sometimes seen breathing heavily with their mouths open". What is our prediction?
Linus "Snuggles": If you close the mouth of the dog it won't breath that heavily.
*Girls in front of us giggling*
Linus "Snuggles": What?
You get the point.
Immediately after the biology half the class was supposed to have computer science (yes, again). The ones that showed up was me, David, Andreas, Emma N and Emz. It blows, still. Although this time I had my login, but please, it's just so boring that my feet hurts.
This long day had the five of us to end class at five o'clock. And I've had the nicest bus ride I can remember to get home today. The first thing I did getting on the bus was calling Linnea. I just love talking to her. She's gotten me letter now too, hadn't read it when I called though. I'm glad that I've found my way back to the hand-written word.
Talking about handwritten word... By six o'clock, pretty much on the minute, I got the phone up again and called Jing, as earlier decided. This was the second time I talked to her, heard her voice. The first time though was just a short, half-a-minute chat on a break in my earlier life as an Ystad-student. So we chatted, for something like half an hour. She has a really nice voice you know, she sounds so nice and kind. I'm so glad I had the guts to call her (my phonephobia seems to be coming towards an end), and I... well, I'll call her soon again, that's for sure.
And what awaits me at home? Why, a letter from her! As a response to my letter to her last week. And yes, this is that cute lil' letter that I mentioned earlier in this blog post. I've read it a couple of times now. It feels nice reading a letter again, it's been such a long time.
What's up for schedule for remainder of the evening, before an early time for bed? Well, not that much really. I'll try to do some more of my presentation, but I won't be able to finish it 'til tomorrow, not with the computer in this damn state of mind. Well, I'll have it finished for wednesday instead.
The star of the day goes to Jing. Not just because she lit up my day a little, or a quite big deal, but because of something at least I thought was something done with chivalry. I leave you a reference to her blog to read what, you might find out for yourself (link to her blog is in the left hand column in this blog, under the headline "Links"). Poor people exist for getting other people feeling bad. That's the way it ought to be! It takes so little to help sometimes, I can't see why not to do it. The next time you see a street musician standing in the cold wind, trying to make some money, then give him that cookie you just bought. Just do it.
I wonder if it's just me imagination... but I'll be damned if the girls in Lund (or at least at Katte) ain't cuter than the ones in Ystad. Wiie!
Once again, thanks to my two favorite gals for lightening up me day and me life!
Cheers people, tomorrow I'll kill me computer, write a letter, and make two calls.
you're the inspiration - chicago
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than i need you
Now, you should all know that it's not often that I share my written works, partly since there isn't very much, but there is just so much power in the hand-written word than in the typed one. So what you're about to read is my first hand-written notes published on the internet, I hope you enjoy it.
So, if you're sitting alone out in the woods, feeling all empty and non-existing, i.e. total lack of inspiration, what can you write about? Nothing I figured, and wrote about my lack ov inspiration.
(Unfortunately for my english-speaking readers, it's in swedish, but hey, I'm not even sure I have any...)
Hygget, någon gång runt 17:30; I skogen existerar ingen tideräkning.
Inspiration är lika flyktigt som energi vunnen med socker. ena sekunden är den så tydlig och konkret att du hade kunnat ta den i din famn och i nästa stund står du där och famlar i intet.
Går det egentligen att skriva om brist på inspiration utan att ha någon motivation? Nej, antagligen inte, såvida man inte har ett överflöd av något än viktigare: motivation! Att ha inspiration utan motivation är som att köra bil utan fötter (eller rättare sagt försöka), du må ha goda förutsättningar men i realiteten är det slöseri med tid.
Att skriva med motivation utan inspiration är samtidigt som att visserligen ha sina ben i behåll, men man är utan den där bilen. Därmed så funkar det visserligen, men det går så otroligt mycket trögare och tar dig inte alltför långt i det långa loppet.
Det enda riktiga alternativet är i båda fallen att åka kollektivtrafik, det vill säga att planka någon annans idé mer eller mindre rakt av.
Inspirationen kan vara allt emellan ett envetet kvicksilver som hela tiden tycks glida en ur händerna till en allt igenom underbar känsla av att vara uppfylld, levande och helt och hållet spirituell och livfylld.
På andra sidan finner vi tomhet, hopplöshet, och, om det vill sig riktigt illa, djup depression. En gnagande känsla av att inte räcka till, att inte kunna uppnå sin kapacitet. Uppgivenhet och självförakt, och slutligen dör den lilla känsla man väl hade om det så gällt löpning, spng, skrivande eller vilja att förändra världen. Ingen musa lever för evigt, åtminstone inte utan en hjälpande hand.
Detta enerverande tillstånd av "inspirationsbrist" eller vad det än må kallas, finns i mig ofta nuförtiden. Alltför ofta om jag får säga det själv, vilket jag ju får då det är jag som skriver. Det är hursomhelst inget jag uppskattar. Likväl bedriver det prenumeration på mitt medvetande.
Denna av speciellt mig så besjungna inspiration är och förblir dock sällsynt. De enda gångerna jag varit/är uppfylld av det är efter en teaterföreställning för två somrar sedan, samma sommar när jag hörde "Watching the stars" av Brolle Jr för första gången, och varje gång jag ser en viss flickas leende.
Och då har jag mått bra, då har jag varit lycklig och känt att jag rlr mig på rätt spår.
Men ack så sällan!
Ack så sällsynt!
Så det är väl nu dags att på allvar börja leta efter min flydda musa. Någonstans, och någon gång nu snartär det dags att återfinna henne och få reda på vad jag egentligen ska göra med det enda jag verkligen kan; skrivandet.
Svar till: "Jag skiljde mig från musan, men hon fick bilen."
Yep, that's all I've got. I want some comments on this, folks!
And finally, since I've been evul enough for a while and also've been impolite enough (probably?) I'll mention Sophie in this blog post: Sophie.
See you tomorrow I guess.
don't look back in anger - oasis
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
So I'm back again, and the first place I visit when returning is of course my blog and me ol' comp. Nothing interesting about that line, although now you know I'm back and that there's no fuckin' impostor or something trying to fake my very existence.
Hm, when thinking it over that seems just plain weird. However, I'm back after three and a half day up in the woods, i.e. Glimåkra. Or to be very accurate, outside of Glimåkra. Depressing, I know, but I grew up there. So I guess that a little nostalgy won't kill me. My lack of a finished biology report, as well as the knowledge to do one, probably will however.
I've noted that I'm getting to like these long bus trips more for every time. At least when I'm in a certain mood for it. On my trip up to Glimåkra Busstation (Ystad-Kristianstad, Kristianstad-Broby, Broby-Glimåkra) I had time for the following:
- Reading two chapters in Från Vittsjö till världen by Fridolin
- Write a letter
- Call Linnea and have a really nice chat
- Read three separate newpapers
- Do some maths
- Survive on nothing but Sprite and Extra Lakrits
You understand me... Full of happenings and adventures. Well, not really, but I at least don't get bored to death.
But that's what I get in this town. C'mon, I don't even feel happy when I get home again, not in any way? This is freakin' depressing.
Well, what do a man do for three days in the forest? Well, he avoids getting an overdose of family activities and goes out for long walks on his own every now and then. Mostly around the shift of day/evening, around dusk. It was too cloudy to see the sun, but I noticed when it got darker anyhow.
But this inspiration, or more accurately the lack of it... It's annoying, it's eating me from within! As soon as I hold pen and paper in my hand, my head just gets more empty for every tick and tock on the clock. It is like trying to bike without having any legs. Or trying to jack off without having any hands, depending on what mood you're in.
My life feels good again, it does. But there are still things that are fucked up and/or twists my mind. And I don't have the slightest idea how to solve them. How fucked up ain't that? And Christ, why do I keep having the f-word everywhere? This is annoying me, truly.
And as a closure I hope that Elfsborg will beat Djurgården tonight, so that they'll get their gold. But I wouldnät complain if our lousy team (MFF) wins over AIK either, that would be even better. But maybe it wouldnät be an all too good idea to call Jing if AIK gets their asses beaten up by Malmö? Well, that's a later question.
blowing in the wind - bob dylan
before you can call him a man?
Ok, so now I'm leaving, for real. I'll see you either saturday or sunday.
man in black - johnny cash
And things need changin' everywhere you go,
But 'til we start to make a move to make a few things right,
You'll never see me wear a suit of white.
I've actually abandoned my black outfit today. Mostly because of my lack of black clothes, I'll have to extend the content of my wardrobe sometime.
Now, some of you may have noticed that I haven't left as I earlier announced, so before I'm labeled as a bastard for a long time forward, I can say that the weather has sort of stopped me. By around 10 o'clock this morning my dear mother called me and said that she, together with dad, had come to the conclusion that I souldn't go out for a long bus ride with a snow storm so close. Well, fine with me, and all of a sudden I have a completely blank day in front of me.
This far? I went to ICA to buy som breakfast, but that's pretty much all. I'll have a calm day today, I've got someone to call before the evening and I've got someone to write.
So I guess I'll now hike out on a expedition downtown, to get to Snuggles and have a hot chocolate or something like that.
rawhide - blues brothers
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
It's nice to wake up being all alone in a house. Not all too creepy really, and no bastard brother waking you up by nine o'clock.
I had my breakfast/lunch=brunch by about 11:30, after having a long discussion with multiple people however I was the most lazy or the more hungry (the kitchen is one floor down see...) and it took me an hour to realize that I was pretty damn hungry. So I had meself two meatball/chili sauce-sandwiches in front o' the tv, watching "Out of Africa" with Meryl Streep and Rob Redford.
Hours of mental decline followed, as I fell deeper and deeper into my computeric behaviour, being one with the screen and none for the world. And then Richard called me and reminded me that the presidium of the Youth Council was going to have a meeting by four... So I hurried downtown, had the meeting and on my way home I first visited the station to refill me dad's bus card, and I also visited ICA to buy After Eight and Coke (in glass bottles!).
I had meself a pizza by 1900 hours and then went down to Jo-hel's place. We started off watching a dvd of "Stockholm Live" and quickly decided that we doesn't like this country much at all ( they were making fun of national stereotypes see) and we also went to Al-Humidis to do some serious candy-shopping.
Our activity for the night was bullshit and cinema. The movie was World Trade Center and it started at 21:15. It was quite good actually, it was a long time since I felt that Oliver Stone really had something to tell, but this turned out pretty good. There weren't any conspiracy theories or stuff. But there were some really nice dialogues.
Officer, to McLoughlin & his group: "This is crazy. First the plane into the first tower, and now another one hit the second tower. And Israel has gotten bombed with nuclears. The whole world has been turned upside down!
Oh well, me and Joel had a few laughs, even though the serious subject. Or maybe because of, I don't know.
When I got home (after biking downtown with Joel shouting "Allah akhbar" every now and then) I had this really strange feeling. I felt like singing, but I didn't have any voice, I felt like writing but didn't have any words. It was like really wanting to love someone, without having a subject for that love.
Anyways, it was better than the uninspirational swamp I've been stuck in for all too long.
I had a long and interesting discussion with Alex now tonight too. Thanks.
Tomorrow (today?) I'll go up to the woods. I'll see you again in a few days!